Wellness Monitoring

Collects and Analyzes Key Wellness Data

Wellness is best measured through walk-rest-breathe-posture tracking. Many problems show up first through Ruxum’s Wellness Monitoring System.

Ruxum, paired with the Mobile App allows senior citizens to monitor and track their own vitals including breathing patterns, rest schedule, steps monitoring, body posture etc. The reports are shared at fixed time intervals on email, through WhatsApp and are available on the mobile app as well. Any designated Ruxshak can access these reports and draw necessary inferences from the patterns.


With wellness parameters continuously tracked by Ruxum, you are never alone

Key Features of Ruxum’s Wellness Monitoring



Tracks Respiratory Rate

Respiratory rate is tracked during resting phase and the ranges are captured on an ongoing basis. These are presented in insightful reports and any variance can be spotted immediately and can be acted upon by the Ruxshaks.

Monitors Rest Cycle

Ruxum ensures that seniors get sufficient amount of rest. This is tracked on a daily basis and insufficient rest cycles can be noticed through reports.

Monitors Physical Activity

If a senior citizen is walking around, their steps are monitored by Ruxum. Through reports, Ruxshaks can understand if regular activity schedule is being achieved. Also, physical activity at unusual hours can also be tracked to discover undisclosed problems like insomnia, mental disturbance etc.

Delivers Insightful Reports

Ruxum uses AI to analyze data it captures and showcase insightful reports which can be used by Ruxshaks to initiate any medical intervention required, if any.

Wellness Monitoring for Senior Citizens



Core Benefits of Ruxum’s Wellness Monitoring

  • Based on the Tri – Holistic Principles of Walking , Resting and Breathing, Ruxum tries to monitor the overall wellness parameters of seniors
  • Generally a senior citizen may show primary symptoms which may turn into life threatening issues later. This is where Ruxum wellness Monitoring comes in

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Case Study

Case Study

Detection Of Unusual Breathing



For 2-3 days, I was feeling short of breath and I thought this was happening because of my antibiotics dose. My son saw unusual breathing patterns through the reports that Ruxum sent to him and immediately sought medical attention



Initial patterns helped avert potential problems as I immediately had medical attention and my dosage was changed as I was not reacting well to the particular medication

Learn more about our other exciting features

Timely panic alerts


Weekly reports to your Loved Ones

panic alert

Timely Panic

Alerts that ensure seniors stay safe

Auto fall detection

Auto Fall

Designed to detect soft as well as hard falls, as they happen

Comprehensive emergency support

Comprehensive Emergency Support

To Guide You Through the Emergencies


“Through rest and activity reports, I was able to understand that my mom was having trouble sleeping. It turned out that it was mental stress related to her pension clearance. I was able to get the issue resolved quickly by completing the necessary formalities. Thanks to Ruxum, I was able to identify unreported problems.”

A person working abroad while his mother lives in India

Do I Qualify for Ruxum?

Do you live alone or are alone in your house for some time in the day?